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Ein Midan Mitglied hat  die Ausschreibung über 25.000 Wohneinheiten gewonnen und sucht nun Partner im Bereich Fertigbau. Kontakt über den Vorstand. midan at midan Punkt de
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A Brief Summary on

The Construction of 25000 (twenty five thousand)


In Suliamaniya, Hallabjai Shahid, Ranya, Kalar,

Darbandikhan, Chamchamal, and Koya

Bareaz Co.  in Cooperation with the Kurdistan Regional Government and in an investment way will construct 25000 (twenty five thousand) housing-units. The project duration is five years to all the cities and towns specified below: Sulaimaniya: 15000 housing-units in three different areas. Ranya: 2000 housing-units in one area. Kalar: 2000 housing-units in one area. Arbat: 2000 housing-units in one area. Koya: 1000 housing-units in one area. Chamchamal: 1000 housing-units in one area. Darbandikhan: 1000 housing-units in one area. Hallabjai Shahid: 1000 housing-units in one area.

The plots of lands of the units have been provided by the Kurdistan Regional Government in proper areas in the above-mentioned cities and towns for the project implementation.


The project depends on the following crucial points:

  1. The System: according  to the Kurdistan Regional Government's conditions the units are to be constructed depending on the new Systems that can seclude (segregate) the units from outside noise, heat and cold, resist and exist for long times, and resist flood and burning. The used materials should not leave any negative influence on the environment. The cost is to be low and the project is to be implemented in the exact duration.
    The models of the suggested Systems are: (Cement + Polystyrene), Prefabricate, Shuttering, Steel or any other similar Systems 


  1. Types of Housing-units: The project includes both apartments (%60) and normal houses (%40) in the following types:

a)High Quality.

b) Medium Quality.

c) Normal Quality.

Units Area: according to the Kurdistan Municipality Law, the area of a normal house is not to be less than 150 mA2 and not more than 450 mA2 while to apartment, the area of a normal unit is not to be less than 100m2 and can be increased depending on its quality.


  1. Master plan and Maps of units: The participated Company should have experience in the field of construction and the take culture and weather of Kurdistan into consideration in designing and master planning.


  1. The main terms for the participated Company:

a) To supply the general factories of constructing the units from outside Iraq to Kurdistan.

b) To supply main and large equipments from outside Iraq to Kurdistan.

c) The technical and engineering aspect of the project has to be taken into consideration.

d) To finish the project implementation during the exact duration is the main condition.

 Kurdistan Region

Council of Ministers

Presidency of Divan

General Directorate for legal affairs

Ref. S161

Date: 18/07/2006

To Investment Promotion Board Subject: Investment Project

By reterring to your letter No (2523) in 04-07-2006:

We are agree to execute the project of constructing (25000) Residcntial Units according to the content of resolution No (92) in 03-07-2006, and the resolution of Investment Promotion No (89) for the year 2004 by (Barez Company for general Contract/ Ltd.), specifying necessary lands for die project in seizing without any charges to carrying out the necessary act for the project.

Kind regards

Omer F. Hussein Deputy Prime minister  Übersetzerstempel Ausschreibung25T_WE

C.C to:

General Directorate for (legal affairs Revolving